Quick Recipe: Homemade Granola

Hello friends, Happy Wednesday! Two more days until Friday!

Today. I'm sharing with you a quick homemade granola recipe. As much as I love the toasted coconut granola mentioned in my "All Things Coconut-y" and other healthier ones in the market, sometimes I want to control the amount of sugar added and make my own at home.

You can add these to your yogurt or just snack on them alone. I cooked mine in a pan (on the stove top), because it's easier and faster for me. But you can also bake them in the oven.

  1. 1 tsp of coconut oil
  2. 2 cups of rolled oats
  3. 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds
  4. 1/4 cup of chia seeds
  5. 1/4 cup of hemp seeds
  6. 1/4 cup of sliced almonds
  7. 1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut flakes
  8. Handful of dried goji berries (or whatever dry fruit you like)
  9. 1 tbsp of honey
  10. A pinch of salt
Heat up the coconut oil. Add ingredients 2 - 6, stir until golden brown. Add the rest of the ingredients until it's well-mixed. Remove from heat and let cool. Bonus: Your kitchen is gonna smell amazing!

You can store them in a mason jar. They are seriously so good and this is how much we have left after a week:
I hope you enjoyed this quick homemade granola recipe. On Friday, I'm showing you a small portion of my lipstick collection. Can you guess what brand it is? ;).

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! :)

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